Food Lovers


10 The Most Expensive Food In The World

Hello guys for my first post i will tell you about the most expensive in the world.

If you ever find yourself in a Brewster’s Millions situation and have to burn through a fortune in a hurry, then all you need are this article, a few plane tickets and an empty stomach. [It never hurts to plan for the unexpected] So just in case, here are 15 meals that can help you wipe out your bank account in no time.

1. The Frozen Haute Chocolate

Price : $25,000

What makes it so expensive : The Forzen Haute Chocolate ice cream sundae contains a blend of 28 cocoas, including 14 of the most expensive in the world. It is decorated with edible gold and served in a goblet lined with edible gold. As if all that weren’t enough, there is an 18 carat gold bracelet with 1 carat of diamonds in the bottom of the sundae, and the treat is served with a golden spoon decorated in white and chocolate diamonds, both of which go home with the diner.

2. Almas Caviar

Price : $25,000

What makes it so expensive : The Almas Caviar is an extremely rare food item from Iran. Caviars are already expensive to beign with, but the rarity of this item makes it even more expensive. As a mater of fact, even finding a store that sells it is looking for a needle in the haystack. The omly store known to carry this item is the Caviar House & Prunier located in Picadilly in London. The store packages the caviar on a per kilo basis and places it in a tin made of 24 carat gold. Selling price is $25,000. If you want just a taste of it, then a smaller tin is sold for $1,250.

3. Dansuke Watermelon

Price : $6,100

What makes it so expensive : In a country where watermelons are rare game, they can be a costly commodity. That’s how a 17-pound Japanese watermelon became the most expensive watermelon in the world. Densuke watermelons, a type of black watermelon grown only on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido, are usually given as gifts due to their extraordinary rarity. There were only sixty-five of the fruits among the first harvest this season. They are harder and crisper than the watermelons we Americans are used to and, according to Tohma Agricultural Cooperative’s spokesman, they “have a different level of sweetness.”

4. La Burger Extravagant

Price : $2,500

What makes it so expensive : La Burger Extravagant is made with white truffle butter-infused Japanese Wagyu beef, topped with James Montgomery cheddar cheese, black truffles and a fried quail egg. It’s served on a gold-dusted roll spread with white truffle butter and topped with a blini, crème fraiche and caviar. If that weren’t enough to excuse the price, it also comes with a solid-gold, diamond-encrusted toothpick.

5.Luxe Gold Cupcakes


Price : $ 1,227.70 

What makes it so expensive : This cupcake is made from peach and champagne jam, Chateau d'Yquem buttercream and 24 carat gold leaf.

6. The Samundari Khazana

Price : $3,200

What makes it so expensive : The Samundari Khazana / Seafood treasure contains Devon crab, white truffle, Beluga caviar, gold leaf, a Scottish lobster coated in gold, four abalones and four quail eggs.

 7. The Zillion Dollar Lobster Frittata 

Price : $1000

What makes it so expensive :This absurdly expensive breakfast item consists of a mixture of eggs, lobster and 10 ounces of sevruga caviar (which costs the restaurant $65 per ounce). On the menu next to the expensive omelet there is a challenge that reads, “Norma dares you to expense this.”

8. Wagyu Steak

Price : $2,800

What makes it so expensive : While Wagyu cattle are raised both in and outside Japan, the Kobe varietal which is raised specifically in the Hyogo prefecture is the most elite. Employing the most traditional production methods, Kobe beef comes from cows that are allegedly fed only beer and massaged by hand to ensure a tenderness and marbling beyond compare. These dishes can be out of range for the average restaurateur, carrying an unhealthy load of fat and a price tag to match. For your next after-work social, you might try taking your associates to New York City’s Craftsteak, where a full Wagyu rib eye was served up to a private party for $2800.

9. Yubari King Melons  

Price : $20,000

What makes it so expensive : The orange-fleshed Yubari King melons are coveted because of its proportion and sweetness. These items are so in demand that auctions are actually conducted for its purchase.In 2008, over 100 melon fruits from Yubari were on the block. The most perfect of all was the first item put on sale. A businessman who owns a souvenir shop and seafood lunch restaurant made a bid of nearly $23,000 for the honor and privilege of taking home that particular fruit.

10. Italian White Alba Truffle

Price : $160,406

What makes it so expensive : Expensive truffles are notoriously pricey because they are difficult to cultivate. This makes them a true delicacy which some have called the king of all fungi. The Associate Press reported that a real estate investor and his wife from Hong Kong have paid €125,000 ($160,406 USD) for a gigantic Italian White Alba truffle which is reportedly the world’s most expensive ever. The most expensive truffle weighs in 1.51 kilograms (3.3 lbs).

Personally, i find it to be cheating when a restaurat serves their "most expensive" food item with an expensive bottle of wine or a diamond accessory. What do you guys think? Is it cheating to throw something extra in with the food items? And lastly, if you were going to indulge in one of these, which would you choose?

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